Cash flow is what keeps any business alive. Be it a small, medium, or large business, it is what keeps the company operating and moving. When the expenses are growing, the cash flow should have to be made stronger. The expenses should never be made greater than the cash that comes in; or else the cash flow may not be able to cope with the situation. Expenses and cash coming in should be balanced to say the least. If the problem with cash flow is not addressed sooner, a company might go out of business.
The June 2011 Sensis Business Index aimed to measure the confidence and behaviors of Australian SMEs by handling quarterly surveys. In this survey, it was revealed that cash flow problems are among the top or main problems that impact businesses over the last quarter. This cash flow problem was ranked equally with those problems that are being caused by the current economic climate.
The June 2011 Sensis Business Index aimed to measure the confidence and behaviors of Australian SMEs by handling quarterly surveys. In this survey, it was revealed that cash flow problems are among the top or main problems that impact businesses over the last quarter. This cash flow problem was ranked equally with those problems that are being caused by the current economic climate.